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GDPR Compliance

We are your virtual data protection team

Are you General Counsel, Head of Legal or even a DPO with 101 things to do, one of which is managing data protection compliance? We know how that feels. We can pick up any and all of your data protection work, from updating your privacy policy, negotiating data processing agreements or running privacy impact assessments. We’re here to help. Our clients think of us as an extension of their team and tell us that they have not been able to recruit one candidate with the skills and experience that we have.

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Conduct an audit to understand your current level of compliance

If you’re preparing for a sale, or if you just wonder how compliant your practices are, our data protection compliance audit can help you identify areas to address now so you can retain maximum value in the business as you go through due diligence.
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Do you need to appoint a Data Protection Officer?

Not sure whether you need to appoint a data protection officer? Of perhaps you want to appoint a DPO but don’t think you need someone full time? Our DPO-as-a-service model is fully scalable, so you only pay for what you need, avoiding the expense of a full-time head count.

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Do you need support with a Data Subject Requests?

We support the data subject request workflow of a few different clients, meaning we know what to redact and what to disclose, when to request additional information and when the clock starts running. We take on the mantle of managing requests, leaving our clients free to get on with key commercial work that is - let’s say – more valued by their colleagues.

Are you a company doing business in the UK but without a branch, office or other establishment in the UK?

Do you offer goods and services to individuals in the UK?

Do you monitor the behaviour of individuals in the UK?

You might need a UK representative for data protection and privacy compliance purposes. We can help you with that.

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We love to meet new people and try to find solutions to problems.